Xc34.cn Site Title


Xc34.cn Meta Description

上海涵若国际贸易有限公司成立于2014年10月09日,注册地位于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区富特北路277号3层379室,法定代表人为陈放。经营范围包括从事货物及技术的进出口业务,建筑材料、金属材料、金属制品、机电设备、五金交电、电子产品、纺织原料、纺织品、化工原料及化工产品(除危险化学品、监控化学品、烟花爆竹、民用爆炸物品、易制毒化学品),机械配件、通讯器材、橡塑制品、办公设备、服装、工艺品(象牙及其制品除外)、饰品、日用百货、食品的销售,投资咨询,从事货物及技术的进出口业务。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】上海涵若国际贸易有限公司对外投资1家公司。

Xc34.cn Test Results

Xc34.cn Mobile Performance: 61/100
Quick overview:
Max Potential First Input Delay
170 ms
The maximum potential First Input Delay that your users could experience is the duration of the longest task. Learn more about the Maximum Potential First Input Delay metric.
First Meaningful Paint
2.6 s
First Meaningful Paint measures when the primary content of a page is visible. Learn more about the First Meaningful Paint metric.
Time to Interactive
4.2 s
Time to Interactive is the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive. Learn more about the Time to Interactive metric.
More information about the performance of your application. These numbers don't directly affect the Performance score.
Reduce unused CSS
Potential savings of 53 KiB
Reduce unused rules from stylesheets and defer CSS not used for above-the-fold content to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. Learn how to reduce unused CSS.
Eliminate render-blocking resources
Potential savings of 1,740 ms
Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles. Learn how to eliminate render-blocking resources.
Serve images in next-gen formats
Potential savings of 980 KiB
Image formats like WebP and AVIF often provide better compression than PNG or JPEG, which means faster downloads and less data consumption. Learn more about modern image formats.
Reduce unused JavaScript
Potential savings of 43 KiB
Reduce unused JavaScript and defer loading scripts until they are required to decrease bytes consumed by network activity. Learn how to reduce unused JavaScript.
Efficiently encode images
Potential savings of 179 KiB
Optimized images load faster and consume less cellular data. Learn how to efficiently encode images.
Largest Contentful Paint element
9,010 ms
This is the largest contentful element painted within the viewport. Learn more about the Largest Contentful Paint element
Defer offscreen images
Potential savings of 5 KiB
Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower time to interactive. Learn how to defer offscreen images.
Minify CSS
Potential savings of 9 KiB
Minifying CSS files can reduce network payload sizes. Learn how to minify CSS.
Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy
18 resources found
A long cache lifetime can speed up repeat visits to your page. Learn more about efficient cache policies.
Minify JavaScript
Potential savings of 4 KiB
Minifying JavaScript files can reduce payload sizes and script parse time. Learn how to minify JavaScript.
Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Consider marking your touch and wheel event listeners as `passive` to improve your page's scroll performance. Learn more about adopting passive event listeners.
Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers
Potential savings of 0 KiB
Polyfills and transforms enable legacy browsers to use new JavaScript features. However, many aren't necessary for modern browsers. For your bundled JavaScript, adopt a modern script deployment strategy using module/nomodule feature detection to reduce the amount of code shipped to modern browsers, while retaining support for legacy browsers. Learn how to use modern JavaScript

Xc34.cn Mobile SEO: 91/100
Quick overview:
Content Best Practices
Format your HTML in a way that enables crawlers to better understand your app’s content.
Document does not have a meta description
Meta descriptions may be included in search results to concisely summarize page content. Learn more about the meta description. Description text is empty.

Xc34.cn Mobile Best Practices: 79/100
Quick overview:
Trust and Safety
Does not redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS
Make sure that you redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS in order to enable secure web features for all your users. Learn more.
Does not use HTTPS
19 insecure requests found
All sites should be protected with HTTPS, even ones that don't handle sensitive data. This includes avoiding mixed content, where some resources are loaded over HTTP despite the initial request being served over HTTPS. HTTPS prevents intruders from tampering with or passively listening in on the communications between your app and your users, and is a prerequisite for HTTP/2 and many new web platform APIs. Learn more about HTTPS.
Xc34.cn Mobile Accessibility: 89/100
Quick overview:
These are opportunities to improve keyboard navigation in your application.
Heading elements are not in a sequentially-descending order
Properly ordered headings that do not skip levels convey the semantic structure of the page, making it easier to navigate and understand when using assistive technologies. Learn more about heading order.
These are opportunities to improve the legibility of your content.
Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.
Low-contrast text is difficult or impossible for many users to read. Learn how to provide sufficient color contrast.
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